
DJ seit2021
Allererster DJ NameSheila
Was wolltest Du eigentlich werdenA singer when I was younger and later a Tattooartist
Was bringt Dich zum SchnurrenSoul food and a nice movie (Harry Potter is always a good go to)
Wo war Dein allererster GigIt was at Südpol Hamburg
Wie lange war Dein längstes SetAlmost 4 hours
Wieviele Pinkelpausen pro SetWhen I play I switch into „survival mode“ so I don’t really need to pee, or I can usually wait until after I’m finished. But I went to the toilet once during a set
Top Ten non electronicaFrank Ocean - Forrest Gump
The Kooks - Seaside
TLC - Waterfalls
Burna Boy - On the Low
Charles & Eddie - Would I lie to you?
Sault - Wildfires
Ms Lauryn Hill - Doo Wop
RAY BLK - Run Run
Masego - Navajo
Greentea peng - Hu Man
LieblingsgetränkApfelschorle (Applejuice with sparkling water)
Womit fliegst Du am liebstenAirplanes?
Favorite FloorSwamp at Moment Demento Festival
Hang-Over-RezeptChug a beer / continue drinking
Was würdest Du auf Deiner Beerdigung spielenSongs people associate me with
Soundcloud Link